Fostering education, growth, and innovation
in Living Donation
The Living Donation 2025 conference is a comprehensive training event focused on the critical aspects of living organ donation. It covers a wide range of topics, including clinical practices, psychosocial support, advocacy, administration, financial considerations, and regulatory issues. Designed for both new and experienced transplant professionals seeking to expand their knowledge.
This year's conference will feature plenary sessions only so you won't have to decide between which sessions to attend! Plenary sessions will cover a wide range of topics with a focus on living liver and kidney donation. Join us to enhance your expertise and stay at the forefront of living donation practices.
Who should attend?
The following staff who are experienced practitioners:
- Independent living donor advocates
- Living donor coordinators
- Living donor social workers
- Psychologists, physicians
- Administrators and managers
- Quality and compliance staff
Registration Fee: $799
Education Credits:
Attention social workers! We understand your concerns about NASW's new CE requirement that sessions must be an hour long to qualify for credits. That's why we've designed the agenda to ensure the majority of sessions meet NASW credit criteria!
This activity will be submitted to the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses for approval to award contact hours. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Applications will be made to the American Board of Transplant Certification for CEPTCs.
If applications are approved, participants must be present for 80% of the sessions they attend, and complete the session survey evaluations to receive educational credits.
The American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP17331.
This program will be eligible for:
- 18.75 contact hours through AACN (pending approval)
- This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886520058-5472) for 17 continuing education contact hours.
- 18.65 CEPTCs through ABTC (pending approval)
New to Living Donation? Sign up for the Foundational Concepts of Living Donation Course
This is a virtual training course on the essential aspects of clinical, psychosocial, advocacy, administrative, financial, quality and regulatory issues related to living donation. The program is an introductory course for individuals with less than 2 years of experience in the care of the living donor. The course presentations will be released on February 12, 2025, and attendees will have until March 12, 2025 to view the presentations, complete the evaluation surveys, and take the required post-test. Content will remain on the website for six months so you can go back and watch lectures at your leisure.
Who should attend?
The following staff who are new to their roles:
- Independent living donor advocates
- Living donor coordinators
- Living donor social workers
- Psychologists, physicians
- Administrators and managers
- Quality and compliance staff
Registration fee: $250
This program will be eligible for:
- 9.75 contact hours through AACN
- 8.5 CEs through NASW
- 9.67 CEPTCs through ABTC
Thank you to our Diamond Sponsor:
Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor: